UMUC Cyber Team wins Cyber DiploHack 2015
The UMUC Cyber Team, consisting of students, faculty, and alumni from University of Maryland University College (UMUC) won Cyber DiploHack 2015 at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS).
This first-ever joint cyber policy hackathon was held on March 26-27 at CSIS. With facilitation from and outside experts, teams applied creative ideation processes commonly used in technology design to solve a cybersecurity policy challenge.
Six university teams based in the United States and Europe participated in an intensive, scenario-based, policy hackathon to develop new approaches to cyber security and cyber capacity building. They utilised cutting-edge technology to enhance collaboration.
During the DiploHack sessions at GCCS-Unplugged the team will present their results, evaluate with you recommendations produced and explore further improvements. If you want to share your experiences, skills and knowledge, you can register for the unconference edition of DiploHack, GCCS-Unplugged here.