Session brainstorm

What issues, topics, and ideas do you want to hear discussed at GCCS-Unplugged? Here you can see some of the suggested sessions. Although the majority of the schedule will still be created on site during the event, the most popular events from this forum will become the first sessions in the morning.

The information society, its consequences and solutions

We live in an information society. We rarely think about the consequences and solutions. In this session we focus on issues for the information society: security, privacy, dominance, differences in civil liberties, economic potential. What are the main threats coming towards us and how should we deal with them?

Dogfooding open data portals

It seems that governments do not consume the open data they publish. For a developer simply downloading data from an open data portal should be easy. However, developers in various places are running into the same problems with government open data portals. Broken links, not being able to track revision history, no bulk downloads. How can we fix this?

Copyright protection vs innovation

In discussions about security versus privacy we often see that they are considered to be opposites, but also two sides of the same coin. Interestingly the same can be said about copyright protection versus innovation. What will happen in a digital world without copyright protection? Can copyright on internet content be replaced by something else? Or should we abandon it?

Secure and private communication and collaboration

Communication and collaboration software is a domain that needs external exposure, but also needs security and privacy. Current offerings focus on availability and price, rather than security and privacy. What solutions that cover both do exist? What open source groupware and collaboration solutions work?

Broken policies, how to fix them?

Currently internet is broken. With the evolution of Internet of things, millions of devices and users are connected to the internet. There is a need to figure out the broken policies and come up with new and sustainable policies that address the current demand for internet usage for the next generation Internet architecture.

The internet and international law

What legal framework should be applied to international politics through cyber security and offensive tactics? Should governments limit themselves by international law when building their arsenal, and how far should transparency go? What role do human rights play in geopolitics trough online sanctions? Can freedom of the net be limited to put pressure on rogue regimes?

How to Enhance Access to the Internet in the Global South?

Billions of people, primarily in the Global South, remain without access to the Internet. This has significant implications for economic growth and the protection of socioeconomic, civil and political rights. How can such access to the Internet be facilitated in a secure manner? What incentives do such actors require to take up the challenge of providing access to those who remain unconnected?

Hackback powers?

As technology evolves, governments will inevitably try to use new technologies for the purpose of law enforcement. The use of this technology often conflicts with the existing legal framework. The Dutch government will soon announce a proposal to grant the Dutch law enforcement agencies the authority to hack into computers. What will be the legal issues? And what are the unintended consequences? And what does this mean for cyber-security in general?

Cybersecurity and Transparency

What technological people can do to make cyber security more transparant. One of the problems of the security debate, but also the privacy debate is that most people don’t have a clue about how their devices work and how their data is being processed by 3rd parties. How can we lift the hood of our devices and make people aware of what happens with their data?

How to mass surveil your own government?

The rise of open data in the public sector has sparked innovation, efficiency, and economic development. More and more national and local governments are making their foray into the field with CDO’s, policies and open data portals. Moving beyond parking spots and public toilets, open data is also an opportunity to reimagine the relationship between citizens and government. What does it take to scale this up, both nationally and locally?